In a country imprisoned by a national religion permeated with empty rituals and superstitions, Fishers of Men, through free medical and dental clinics provides much needed medical attention throughout Mexico, while offering the hope and help that come through a personal faith in Christ. Volunteer doctors, specialists, dentists, nurses, dental hygienists, paramedics, optometrists, physical therapists, chiropractors, children’s workers, hair stylists and general volunteers meet the physical needs of the local population, while sharing the hope found through salvation in Jesus Christ.
While waiting for their free prescription, individuals who come for treatment have a one-on-one conversation with a crusade volunteer who shares the message of Christ and offers them the opportunity to accept Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior. Volunteer children’s workers share the Good News of Jesus Christ with the local children through songs, games, crafts, Bible stories and clowning.
Evangelistic Medical Mission Crusades (EMMC) occur regularly throughout the year, ranging from one to 10 days in length, with teams involving an average of 30 volunteers from Mexico and other countries. Each crusade takes place in partnership with a local missionary or church in order to ensure effective follow-up and discipleship.
Kevin and Yueminis
are the directors of the EMMC’s,
the medical mission branch of the ministry.
To download a printable pdf of the calendar click HERE
Images from the Crusades